10 exercises to do with your baby.

by admin55

We all want to maintain a healthy body, yet, after having our baby, it becomes difficult for us. The body has changed, and we don’t have time for anything, and becoming a mother is hard, work, daily activities, and children. They can prevent you from taking time to stay in shape. And the benefits of exercising are more than known.
Especially after having a child, it is so great not to fall into a sedentary life: tone the body muscles, burn calories, reduce stretch marks, regain shape, improve circulation, be more active, clear the mind. Do not deprive yourself of this, and start exercising with your baby from home or walking with him.

Include an exercise routine with your baby in your day-to-day. Although you do not have the same freedom as being alone, you have many exercises that you can do. In addition to not separating from him, you will strengthen ties and spend fun minutes.

  1. Cardio. To start or end your exercise routine. You can go for a brisk walk with the stroller or with a baby carrier. The baby has to be over six months to be able to sit in the stroller. You can do it for half an hour.
  2. Squats. You can use a baby carrier or hold your baby with your arms stretched out in front of you. With your legs open and slightly bent, lower your buttocks back, without being your knees in front of your feet. You can lean against the wall for more balance.
  3. Bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees and feet slightly apart on the floor. Place your child on your hips and gently lift your body by pushing your legs and squeezing your buttocks. Go down slowly, but without resting your ass on the ground until you finish.
  4. Abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent, keep them together and support the baby. Raise your chest with your back as straight as possible and lower without supporting your entire back
  5. Strides. Stand with your baby in your arms, step forward while the back knee bends almost to the ground (without touching it) and take the next step.
  6. Table. We place the baby on the floor under us and support the elbows on both sides of him with the feet stretched out. Contract your abdomen and hold this position for thirty seconds.
  7. Arms. Stand up, take your baby and stretch your arms so that they are in front of you; you only have to raise your arms while you breathe out and when you go down, release the air slowly.
  8. Chest. Lying on the floor with the little one on your chest, stretch your arms rising your baby, and bend them to lower him.
  9. Push-ups. Put your baby on the floor between your two outstretched arms and the palms of your hands at shoulder level. Bend your arms to face your baby and climb up. You can get on your knees to make it easier for you.
  10. Relaxation. To finish your exercise, put your baby on your chest, and while you caress his head and back, breathe deeply. That will make him relax with you too.

Perform those exercises five days per week, but the best way to start them is gradually and gently to get used to them. Three sets of 15 repetitions will be enough.
But exercise, if not with a good diet and hydration, is not enough. That does not mean being on a diet, but we should not lack foods rich in calcium, iron, omega-3; It will make you lose weight and healthily regain your figure. Include fruit and vegetables every day in your menu and for good hydration, drink plenty of water.


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