
Tips to lower your sugar and salt intake

by admin55

Most people consume sugar and salt without taking into account the levels recommended by health organizations, which consider these two elements as a danger to the body. While it is possible to remove these ingredients from the table, the risk persists, as most of the sugar and salt we consume —70% – is added to ready-made foods.

Sugar in the form of glucose indeed provides energy to the body; however, it is not necessary to consume it, as the body converts carbohydrates into glucose. According to experts, there is a link between sugar, hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure.


As for salt, despite being the main source of sodium – necessary for the body to function – the excess can damage the kidneys and heart, causing blood pressure problems.


Follow the following tips and avoid excessive intake of these components.

  • Added sugar should represent less than 10% of your total daily calories. Consume 24 grams per day, maximum. Avoid packaged sodas or juices. In turn, lower the amount of sugar you use for your coffee or tea.
  • Eat whole fruits instead of just the juice. Take into account that a glass of juice has the same calories as three whole fruits.
  • Limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day — one teaspoon. Consider that it is very easy to reach this limit if you consume processed foods.
  • Avoid canned foods, soups, and certain frozen foods. Choose fresh foods and cook without salt.
  • Be careful with sauces and condiments. Remember that dressings, as well as soy sauce, ketchup, and olives, contain a lot of sodium. Try to read labels and not ignore the nutritional information on foods.

Although at first, it may seem difficult to get away from these ingredients, we assure you that you will begin to see results very soon. The effort will be reflected in a healthier life and with a lower risk of suffering from chronic diseases.


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